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How to Create a Calm and Relaxing Living Room

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Our living rooms are one of the most used rooms in our homes and act as a space for entertainment, relaxation, and general family life. This space needs to be functional and comfortable as well as an outlet to reflect our personalities and family needs.  

So, for a space that feels as good as it looks, follow our simple steps… 

Neutral Shades 

Bright colours are a terrific way to express our personalities, however bold and garish tones can create a stilted and unsettled environment. Softer, earthy, and muted shades can be much easier on the eye and will promote a calm and tranquil space.  

When decorating with lighter shades and white, add dimensions to your living room with different textures. Layering fabrics, throws and cushions with subtle patterns in gold, tan or soft brown will keep neutral tones from looking sterile. 

Natural Light 

Natural lighting is known to boost productivity, improve our moods, and creates a peaceful ambience in our homes. Large mirrors are a fantastic way to double the amount of natural light in our living rooms. Strategically place these in dark reading corners and areas far from any windows – the result a light and airy space that will reduce stress. 

Plant Power 

From improving air quality to lifting our moods, bringing plants into our homes can enhance our overall health and happiness. A study by the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that having plants in our homes can make us feel more comfortable, soothed, and natural. They can also reduce feelings of loneliness and depression, by nurturing a living thing as it grows. 

Clutter-Free Living 

Clutter can off-balance the peaceful flow of our living spaces, producing feelings of chaos and disorderliness. Keep ornaments to a minimum, instead display items that will bring you joy – such as family photographs and trinkets for past trips. Be sure to place these in areas you will notice every day, this will capture the eye and focus the mind during a hectic day.  

Wicker baskets can provide a simple solution to store away extra blankets and cushions when not in use but will also be close by for movie night. 

Happy Scents 

A soothing aroma is a sure-fire way to relax and feel at ease, during the evening burn scented candles in your downtime or place fresh flowers in a high traffic area so you will smell their sweet scent each time you pass by.