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Top Gardening Tips for a Full Bloom this Summer!

picking the right plants

Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy your garden, with the sun shining and the birds chirping. But how do you ensure that your garden is in full bloom during the summer months? Here are some tips and seasonal plants that will help your garden flourish this summer. 

1. Choose the right plants for your garden

The first step to a full bloom this summer is to choose the right plants for your garden. Consider the type of soil you have, the amount of sunlight your garden gets, and the amount of water your plants will need. Some popular summer plants include sunflowers, petunias, marigolds, and zinnias. 

2. Start early!

Start planting your summer plants early to give them time to establish themselves before the heat of summer arrives. Consider planting your seeds indoors or in a greenhouse a few weeks before the last frost, and then transplant them outdoors once the soil has warmed up. 

3. Water your plants regularly

Water plants regularly to keep them healthy and hydrated during the hot summer months. It’s best to water your plants in the early morning or late afternoon to prevent water evaporation during the hottest part of the day. 

water regularly
deadheading flowers

4. Fertilise your plants

Fertilise your plants with a balanced fertiliser to give them the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Consider using a slow-release fertiliser that will gradually release nutrients over time. 

5. Deadhead old blooms regularly

Deadhead your plants regularly by removing spent blooms to encourage new growth and more flowers. This will also prevent your plants from going to seed too quickly, which can cause them to stop producing new flowers. 

6. Add some shade

If your garden gets a lot of direct sunlight, consider adding some shade to help your plants stay cool and hydrated. You can do this by planting taller plants to provide shade, or by using a shade cloth. 

7. Consider container gardening

If you don’t have a lot of space for a full garden, consider container gardening. You can plant your summer plants in containers and move them around your patio or balcony to get the right amount of sunlight. 

container gardening

Now, let’s look at some seasonal plants that will help your garden bloom this summer:

8. Sunflowers

Sunflowers are a popular summer plant that are easy to grow and come in a variety of colours and sizes. They love full sun and well-draining soil and can grow up to 12 feet tall. 

They can be planted directly in the ground in late spring, after the last frost, or they can be started indoors about 4-6 weeks before the last frost date and transplanted outdoors once the soil has warmed up. 

9. Petunias

Petunias are another popular summer plant that come in a range of colours, from bright pink to deep purple. They prefer full sun and well-draining soil and can be planted in containers or in the ground. 

Petunias can be planted outdoors after the last frost, which is usually around late May or early June. They can also be started indoors 8-10 weeks before the last frost and transplanted outdoors once the soil has warmed up. 


10. Marigolds

Marigolds are a classic summer plant that are easy to grow and come in a range of colours, from yellow to orange to red. They prefer full sun and well-draining soil and can be planted in containers or in the ground. 

Marigolds can be planted outdoors after the last frost, which is usually around late May or early June. They can also be started indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost and transplanted outdoors once the soil has warmed up. 

11. Zinnias

Zinnias are a colourful and long-lasting summer plant that come in a variety of sizes and colours. They prefer full sun and well-draining soil and can be planted in containers or in the ground. 

They can be planted outdoors after the last frost, which is usually around late May or early June, depending on whereabouts in the UK you are! They can also be started indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost and transplanted outdoors once the soil has warmed up. 


12. Dahlias

Dahlias are a stunning summer plant that come in a range of colours and sizes, from small pom-poms to large dinner plates. They prefer full sun and well-draining soil and can be planted in containers or in the ground. 

Dahlias should be planted outdoors after the last frost, which is usually around late May or early June, depending on whereabouts in the UK you are! The tubers should be planted about 6 inches deep and 18-24 inches apart. They can also be started indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost and transplanted outdoors once the soil has warmed up. 

In conclusion, with the right plants, regular watering and fertilisation, and some shade, your garden can be in full bloom this summer. Consider adding some of these seasonal plants to your garden to add some colour and vibrancy for a full bloom this summer!